How AI Agents Can Interact With Intents on Mantis

Mantis is a new cross-chain intent settlement framework created by the Composable Foundation. The Mantis protocol delivers optimized cross-chain execution for users via the competition of a solver network. Now, Mantis is seeking partnerships with artificial intelligence (AI) protocols to deliver even better execution and user experiences.

In this article, we discuss how AI agents can interact with intents on Mantis. For instance, we recommend that AI agents submit intents on behalf of users and have these intents solved and executed over the Mantis framework. These intents could also be strategically timed or incorporate other conditions such as dollar cost averaging (DCA) based on AI. More information on such conditional intents will be covered in a future post.

We also explore why submitting intents through Mantis is beneficial for AI projects and their users.

About Mantis

Mantis is a vertically integrated intent pipeline complete with expression, execution, and settlement. This is accomplished via the Mantis protocol and Mantis rollup. Mantis also synergizes with the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol and the Picasso Network to deliver secure interoperability. Ultimately, Mantis strives to establish a decentralized market for cross-domain intent expression.

Through this architecture, key benefits to users are:

  1. Capital efficiency via native yield
  2. Best execution of intents
  3. A simplified, abstracted cross-chain DeFi experience

Additional details on Mantis can be found in its Whitepaper, Litepaper, website, and blog.

How AI Agents Can Interact with Mantis

We are aiming to make Mantis’s cross-chain intent settlement capabilities leverageable by various types of AI agents. Partner protocols’ existing AI tech stacks can be used to generate these AI agents. AI agents can then be used to submit intents on behalf of their users at optimal times to the Mantis framework.

Making Recommendations to Users

There are near limitless possibilities for how AI agents can leverage the Mantis framework. Our suggestion is that these agents grab on-chain data in order to make recommendations to users for what intents they should submit through Mantis. The flow of this would look as follows:

  1. A user submits their profile/wants to an AI agent. For example, the user may be looking for opportunities to swap their Ethereum-based assets for Solana-based assets at the best price, as they are looking to get more involved in the Solana ecosystem.
  2. AI agents monitor on-chain data for opportunities that fit a user’s profile or wants.
  3. When the AI agent identifies an opportunity fitting the user’s desires, they present it to the user. In fact, the AI agent can make a number of recommendations at once and present these simultaneously. For example, the AI agent may find that it is a good time to trade ETH for either SOL or jupSOL, based on the current market conditions.
  4. The user accepts the recommendation. For example, the user may have opted to swap ETH for jupSOL.
  5. The AI agent submits an intent to Mantis on behalf of this user reflecting the selected recommendation. This submission is done using the Mantis Intents SDK (described below).
  6. The Mantis network of solvers competes to settle this intent with best execution, sending proposed solution routes to the Mantis auctioneer to be scored based on how well they fit the intent.
  7. The winning solution route is determined, and the winning solver must execute this route in order to be rewarded. The Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol is used for cross-chain settlement. For example, the user’s ETH on Ethereum is sent to Solana over IBC and then swapped for jupSOL.

Conditional Intents

Using the above process, AI agents become capable of handling time-based conditional intents. For example, a user may want to make a particular swap at the best price within the next 48 hours. They provide this information to the AI agent, which makes a prediction about when the best price will be within this time constraint. Then, at this time, the AI agent submits an intent to carry out the swap to Mantis. This abstracts conditionality away from solvers and puts it in the hands of AI agents who likely have more powerful algorithms to determine the best timing of swaps. Then, solvers are left to handle identification and execution of the best transaction route at that time. In this manner, the strengths and optimizations of the Mantis protocol and of AI agents are able to synergize, providing the best execution. Further details on conditional intents on Mantis will be discussed in a future post.

The Mantis Intents SDK

Mantis can be accessed by any application via its intents software development kit (SDK). This SDK interacts with the expression layer of Mantis where users express their intents and these intents are received and interpreted by solvers. The intents SDK allows intent expression to be generalized, so Mantis can process and execute intents from many sources. These sources thus leverage the Mantis/Picasso architecture and become intent-centric themselves. In this manner, Mantis acts as back-end processing and chain abstraction for AI agents. This in turn enables support for AI agents to create intelligent transaction routes.

AI agents and protocols are able to tap into Mantis by pointing to the remote procedure call (RPC) of Mantis, as shown below:

Value Add for AI Agents & Their Users

If an AI protocol integrates Mantis through the intents SDK, it will gain the following value adds:

  • Revenue Share: Orderflow from a unique location will receive a revenue share based on order flow origination. This implies that any AI agent directing unique order flow to Composable automatically receives that revenue share as part of the partnership, once Composable processes the given order.
  • Cross-Chain Processing: Mantis serves as a processing back-end for all things cross-chain. Thus, AI agents partnering with Mantis can have all sorts of cross-chain operations processed for them.

Users of these AI protocols integrating with Mantis gain the following benefits:

  • Intent-Centricity: These AI agents will be able to process intents, not just transactions. Unlike transactions (which explicitly specify exact steps to take), intents are flexible. They describe a general goal but need other direct or indirect operations in order to form a final balanced transition that satisfies all of the user’s constraints. Intents can be conceptualized as a means by which users express their preferences across various domains without specifying the methods to achieve desired outcomes. Thus, intents offer the possibility of optimized execution for users.
  • Conditional Intents/Intelligent Transaction Routes: AI agents will be able to create intelligent transaction routes, which even further improves execution for users. For example, AI agents can submit user intents when prices are optimized (e.g. submitting a buy order when prices are low). This will provide best execution to intents submitted by/through these AI agents, even further optimizing their transactions.

Open Call for AI Partners

If you have an AI protocol and are interested in integrating Mantis, you can reach out to us on X or Discord.